Monday, October 4, 2010

Stress Relief

I am not a spokesperson for the company I am about to name, but their product is an incredibly effective natural stress reliever. It's actually called Natural Stress Relief, made by Life Extension.

Ever since I moved in, my mom and I have been battling over the number of supplements she and Dad take. (There were over 50 of them a day!! But that's a topic for a different blog entry.) However, during a particularly stressful week at the end of a time my husband had been gone for 17 days visiting family in another state, I started taking the Natural Stress Relief. Over the next few days, I noticed I wasn't as grumpy or anxious--but I attributed it to his coming home, not the pills.

I finished a 30-day supply of the pills and thought, "I don't need those anymore." But soon, I was feeling overwhelmed and yelling at people again.

We got some more of the stuff. I don't know how it works, but it works. It seems better for all involved for me to continue using it.

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